Webinaires et articles techniques

which it shares its expertise on technical subjects such as anti-UV, anti-bacterial, biomaterials and low environmental impact materials.

Color & UV protection


How can you maintain the intensity of your colours over time?

Everyday plastic objects are subject to the vagaries of the weather and UV radiation. Elixance gives you the keys to understanding the mechanisms of degradation and offer solutions.

Eco-friendly materials


How do you reconcile eco-responsible materials and performance?

The use of recycled materials (mineral and vegetable waste, thermoplastics and thermosets) is virtuous, but it has an impact on the properties of the material.

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Nautilium: biomaterial from the sea

In March 2022, after several years of joint research and development, five industrialists from Western France—Polymaris Biotechnology, Elixance, Europlastiques, Séché Environnement and Olga (formerly Triballat Noyal)—joined forces to produce a bio-inspired, environmentally friendly material: Nautilium.


R&D services

elixance R&D services Our aim is to help you develop new concepts and solutions for materials based on polymers, additives and pigments. We have an