
Additives antibacterial

Antibacterial solutions limit the proliferation of bacteria on thermoplastic surfaces.



Innovative solutions to effectively protect plastic objects against microbes, viruses and fungi.


Tailor-made solutions

Tailor-made master batches based on the polymer used and the thickness and thermal stability required for the finished part.


Proven effectiveness

The formulas are laboratory-tested to guarantee optimum efficacy, with proof of antibacterial effectiveness in accordance with ISO 22196.


Our antibacterial solutions, concentrated in the form of master batches, can be composed of metal salts (such as silver salts) or quaternary ammonium (QAC). Depending on the antibacterial technology used, our solutions will act either as biocidal agents that kill bacteria (bactericides) or as bacteriostatic agents that inhibit the growth of micro-organisms. We also offer virucidal and antifungal solutions to meet current regulatory requirements.


All the solutions we have adapted to thermoplastics offer a number of advantages, such as improved hygiene, infection prevention, odour reduction and longer shelf life for the contents in food packaging.

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UV stabilizers

Polymers are materials that are sensitive to weathering and UV radiation. To preserve their mechanical and aesthetic characteristics, they need to be protected.


Flame retardant

Flame-retardant solutions certified to M classification, more respectful of the environment with halogen-free formulas.